Rules and regulations

  1. The name of the Society shall be “ THE INDIAN SOCIETY OF DRYLAND AGRICULTURE”
  2. The Office of the Society shall be at the Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santhoshnagar, Saidabad (P.O), Hyderabad –500 059

Objectives of the Society

The main objective of the Society shall be to provide an opportunity to agricultural scientists from different disciplines to address themselves to problems confronting Dryland Agriculture in a concerted and integrated manner and to express their views on the scientific basis of different aspects of national agricultural programmes and policies related to dryland Agriculture. Most of the existing professional scientific societies are specific discipline oriented and because of their specialized nature, an intergrated and multi-disciplinary approach is not encouraged. Indian Society of Dryland Agriculture would thus complement the role played by discipline-based bodies. The objectives of the society are :


General Meetings

General meetings of the society shall be of two kinds. Annual general Meetings and Extra–Ordinary General Meeting.  


Executive Council

The executive council shall comprise President, immediate Past President, two Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasure and 8 Members from the General Council representing different regions of the country. The administration, direction and management of the affairs of the Society shall be entrusted to the executive council.   


Functions of the Executive body and Office bearers


He presides over al the meetings of both General Body and Executive Committee. He may cast the deciding vote when the votes are equally divided. He can supervise all the branches of the Society.


Meeting of the Executive Committee

The following rules shall be applicable to meetings of the Executive Council and other Committees appointed by it:


Funds Committee

The Society shall collect funds, receive donations or bequest to the said Society, may expend or invest the same in the interest of the Society at the discretion of its Executive committee provided that the purposes are consistent with objectives of the ISDA and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly to any of its members through any means.


i. The Journal will be entitled “ Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research and Development.

ii. The Executives Council acting on the recommendation of the Editorial Board shall be responsible for developing the publication policy including rates for advertisement, subscription to the journal, etc.


No amendments or alteration shall be made in purpose of the Association unless it is voted by 2/3rd of its members present at a special meeting convened for the purpose and confirmed by 2/3 rd of the members present at a second special meeting.

Zonal Chapters

Name and location :

A Zonal Chapter forms a unit of the Indian Society of Dryland Agriculture with the headquarters at ISDA, CRIDA, Hyderabad. A Zonal chapter shall represent one of the six zones in the country viz., Northern Zone North-East Zone, Eastern Zone, Central Zone Southern Zone and Western Zone. The name of the Zonal Chapter shall bear the name of the town (place) of the headquarters of the Chapter as a prefix and shall be “………Indian Society of Dryland Agriculture. The zones represent the following states:
